I must apologize for my sever lack of presence and total disregard for my promise to better upkeep my blog! I'm terribly red faced about it, I hope you can forgive me!!
I've been quite busy typing up loose ends with my visa application, as well as planning my Jack and Jill!
In the meantime, I've posted some new items in my etsy shop! There's a couple more to come, too!
Also, I'm sorry for not responding yet to comments- this week I shall return!
Happy Monday! (Ughh..)
A peek into the daily doings of an old fashioned kinda gal! This is my life in a nutshell. From pin curls to thrifting, and my journey to becoming a wife :)
Monday, 19 September 2011
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Ugh! September already?
Aloha ladies!
Yuck.. we're heading into Fall.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the coziness of a wool jacket on a cool day, and wearing stockings without overheating. Most of all, I'm excited to shop for a 49er jacket!
A 49er jacket, for those who don't already know, is a wool coat by a company called Pendleton. They're still in business to this day, however the iconic '49er' model is what they're widely known for, specifically within the vintage community.
I have never owned one, and this year I'm dead set on finding one just like this:
They are almost always available on eBay and etsy, woohoo! However finding the correct size and a print you like can be tough which is why I don't have one already, boo!
Soo, this past Monday, I graduated from makeup school!! I am now officially licensed, and I couldn't be more excited to make a career out of it someday.
In our last class, every student participated in a competition which involved us coming up with a theme, creating a costume, and directing a hair student from the school for her styling.
My theme was titled "retro tiki". Cliche, hmm? Heck, I don't care, I thought of it the night prior because my original theme fell through prop-wise.
Here is my lovely model, Diana, sans costume because she wanted out of it!
For her hair, the student made her first ever victory roll attempt. AHH.
It was baaaad. I mean, God bless her for trying. But everyone has seen other girls sporting them many a times and they still look unperfected. Does that make me an ass for saying it? Ehh.. yeah. I'm an ass.
So it turned into this. I wanted to get my hands on her, but my professor threatened me not to touch her head, ha!! . Ah, she knows me too well!..
Anyhow, this look managed to win me FIRST PLACE!! Well, hot damn!
I celebrated with a cocktail and a skype date with Justin in the backyard:
I even won a bagful of goodies, including Carolina Herrera perfume and a Dior foundation!
I graduated at the top of my class, and my prof even asked me to be her assistant on a job next month!
If only finding work in makeup seemed so easy in New York once I move. Ugh.
Last weekend, my town had their annually held Autofest, which closes off the entirety of our downtown main streets and even some side streets to fill them with pre 65 classic cars.
I actually did a photoshoot there with a photographer I know and got a couple of fun shots including this:
This was my first time actually modelling with a classic car (it was a beautiful black Ford coupe). This is also an attempt at being 'foxy'. Haha. How did I score? Or maybe I don't want to know!..
I also got a few photos of some of the cars at the show:
Ahh yes, I mustn't forget to finish off with an outfit post! This is from a couple of days ago, as I've been slightly lazy with photo taking (just like how lazy I am with blogging- wompp wommppp):
Anddd a picture of my goofy face..
Am I doing better at this blogging thing, now? I try to keep you visually stimulated, as I feel like I'm just blah blah blah-ing and you're thinking "Jesus Christ, woman, shut up and give me something to not read!"
Let me know if I'm still sucking.
Hope you're all having a great weekend! Next blog I'll fill you kittens in on my etsy shop! :)
Yuck.. we're heading into Fall.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the coziness of a wool jacket on a cool day, and wearing stockings without overheating. Most of all, I'm excited to shop for a 49er jacket!
A 49er jacket, for those who don't already know, is a wool coat by a company called Pendleton. They're still in business to this day, however the iconic '49er' model is what they're widely known for, specifically within the vintage community.
I have never owned one, and this year I'm dead set on finding one just like this:
They are almost always available on eBay and etsy, woohoo! However finding the correct size and a print you like can be tough which is why I don't have one already, boo!
Soo, this past Monday, I graduated from makeup school!! I am now officially licensed, and I couldn't be more excited to make a career out of it someday.
In our last class, every student participated in a competition which involved us coming up with a theme, creating a costume, and directing a hair student from the school for her styling.
My theme was titled "retro tiki". Cliche, hmm? Heck, I don't care, I thought of it the night prior because my original theme fell through prop-wise.
Here is my lovely model, Diana, sans costume because she wanted out of it!
For her hair, the student made her first ever victory roll attempt. AHH.
It was baaaad. I mean, God bless her for trying. But everyone has seen other girls sporting them many a times and they still look unperfected. Does that make me an ass for saying it? Ehh.. yeah. I'm an ass.
So it turned into this. I wanted to get my hands on her, but my professor threatened me not to touch her head, ha!! . Ah, she knows me too well!..
Anyhow, this look managed to win me FIRST PLACE!! Well, hot damn!
I celebrated with a cocktail and a skype date with Justin in the backyard:
I even won a bagful of goodies, including Carolina Herrera perfume and a Dior foundation!
I graduated at the top of my class, and my prof even asked me to be her assistant on a job next month!
If only finding work in makeup seemed so easy in New York once I move. Ugh.
Last weekend, my town had their annually held Autofest, which closes off the entirety of our downtown main streets and even some side streets to fill them with pre 65 classic cars.
I actually did a photoshoot there with a photographer I know and got a couple of fun shots including this:
This was my first time actually modelling with a classic car (it was a beautiful black Ford coupe). This is also an attempt at being 'foxy'. Haha. How did I score? Or maybe I don't want to know!..
I also got a few photos of some of the cars at the show:
Ahh yes, I mustn't forget to finish off with an outfit post! This is from a couple of days ago, as I've been slightly lazy with photo taking (just like how lazy I am with blogging- wompp wommppp):
Anddd a picture of my goofy face..
Am I doing better at this blogging thing, now? I try to keep you visually stimulated, as I feel like I'm just blah blah blah-ing and you're thinking "Jesus Christ, woman, shut up and give me something to not read!"
Let me know if I'm still sucking.
Hope you're all having a great weekend! Next blog I'll fill you kittens in on my etsy shop! :)
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Outfit post numero uno
I am NOT dead. Isn't that exciting news?! Although I have no excuse for my slacking in the blog department. Ugh... this was one thing I told myself I was going to actually stick to. So, ladies.. ahem, I PLEDGE to stay true to my blog from here on out!
Just pretend I wrote this in blood. And hold me to it!
So, wonderful news as far as my American visa goes- we're getting sooo close, I an hardly wait! I just have to go a get some visa photos taken before I send off some of my final paperwork before the... (Jaws music)... INTERVIIIEWWW!
Am I worthy of being an American? It's up to my likely bitter consular officer to decide!
I found a wedding dress for our city hall ceremony, on sale, too! I seem to be pretty darn good at finding a bargain, if I do say so myself. It's white, simple, subtle and sexy. That's all I can say, because my fiance reads this thing! So, sorry ladies, you'll have to wait for the photos!
I have a confession to make... a couple of weeks ago, I broke a BIG rule for brides everywhere. I tried on dresses when I already bought mine! And we're talking real wedding dresses...
THAT thing made my Mom and my sister cry.
It was $1200.
Take all of the advice that you're given- avoid trying on dresses when you already have one.
I ended up confused and frustrated and in tears by the end of the day, and I was not wearing waterproof mascara. It wasn't pretty! And all of this because my sister and I went to look for bridesmaid dresses.
But after having the sense talked back into me by my girlfriends, I realized just how perfect the dress is that I already have. This one, as beautiful as it is, just isn't me.
It's 1950's vintage, fits like a glove, and cost me $75. A total steal! (For those who don't know, I'm having a city hall ceremony, and then a 'real' wedding in Vegas next April, so we fall in line with our visa timeline so I'm not deported!)
And you won't see THAT dress until next April! Eeeeeeeeee!!!- I can't wait!!!
On a different note, I've decided that I'm going to start doing outfit posts. I love these so much on others' blogs, it really gives you a sense of who the person is behind the writing. It seems fun, also, and hopefully you guys can appreciate my style. Because for those who dress vintage, or repro vintage every day, you can get a few raised eyebrows!
So, here's what I wore to work today.

Today, my entire outfit is actually from my place of work, H&M. Occasionally we get some great vintage inspired pieces, and if they're well priced I try to get what I can.
Aaand I'll throw in a photo of day 2 of a terribly sagging roller set for the heck of it..
The skirt costs $29.95 for customers, and the lace detailed tank top only $10. Pretty good price for an outfit! And no, they didn't pay me to say that, haha. However, they did pay me to clean up a little girls' pee on Friday afternoon. Ahh.. a day in the life of a retail sales associate! Jealous?
Actually, I bought that outfit one day during my shift, because the zipper broke on one of my favourite vintage dresses!! I mean right down to the butt. I guess it's just a risk you take with 60 year old clothing!
Well, I'll wrap this up now, I hope you guys believe me when I say I'm totally going to stay on the ball with this. You have my permission to leave me nasty notes if I don't!!
Hope you're all having a lovely week! :)
Lucky xo
I am NOT dead. Isn't that exciting news?! Although I have no excuse for my slacking in the blog department. Ugh... this was one thing I told myself I was going to actually stick to. So, ladies.. ahem, I PLEDGE to stay true to my blog from here on out!
Just pretend I wrote this in blood. And hold me to it!
So, wonderful news as far as my American visa goes- we're getting sooo close, I an hardly wait! I just have to go a get some visa photos taken before I send off some of my final paperwork before the... (Jaws music)... INTERVIIIEWWW!
Am I worthy of being an American? It's up to my likely bitter consular officer to decide!
I found a wedding dress for our city hall ceremony, on sale, too! I seem to be pretty darn good at finding a bargain, if I do say so myself. It's white, simple, subtle and sexy. That's all I can say, because my fiance reads this thing! So, sorry ladies, you'll have to wait for the photos!
I have a confession to make... a couple of weeks ago, I broke a BIG rule for brides everywhere. I tried on dresses when I already bought mine! And we're talking real wedding dresses...
THAT thing made my Mom and my sister cry.
It was $1200.
Take all of the advice that you're given- avoid trying on dresses when you already have one.
I ended up confused and frustrated and in tears by the end of the day, and I was not wearing waterproof mascara. It wasn't pretty! And all of this because my sister and I went to look for bridesmaid dresses.
But after having the sense talked back into me by my girlfriends, I realized just how perfect the dress is that I already have. This one, as beautiful as it is, just isn't me.
It's 1950's vintage, fits like a glove, and cost me $75. A total steal! (For those who don't know, I'm having a city hall ceremony, and then a 'real' wedding in Vegas next April, so we fall in line with our visa timeline so I'm not deported!)
And you won't see THAT dress until next April! Eeeeeeeeee!!!- I can't wait!!!
On a different note, I've decided that I'm going to start doing outfit posts. I love these so much on others' blogs, it really gives you a sense of who the person is behind the writing. It seems fun, also, and hopefully you guys can appreciate my style. Because for those who dress vintage, or repro vintage every day, you can get a few raised eyebrows!
So, here's what I wore to work today.
Today, my entire outfit is actually from my place of work, H&M. Occasionally we get some great vintage inspired pieces, and if they're well priced I try to get what I can.
Aaand I'll throw in a photo of day 2 of a terribly sagging roller set for the heck of it..
The skirt costs $29.95 for customers, and the lace detailed tank top only $10. Pretty good price for an outfit! And no, they didn't pay me to say that, haha. However, they did pay me to clean up a little girls' pee on Friday afternoon. Ahh.. a day in the life of a retail sales associate! Jealous?
Actually, I bought that outfit one day during my shift, because the zipper broke on one of my favourite vintage dresses!! I mean right down to the butt. I guess it's just a risk you take with 60 year old clothing!
Well, I'll wrap this up now, I hope you guys believe me when I say I'm totally going to stay on the ball with this. You have my permission to leave me nasty notes if I don't!!
Hope you're all having a lovely week! :)
Lucky xo
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Boy, that was a loooooong break!
Well, looky who's been biting the big one on her blog writing lately! Gosh, I'm terrible!! And oh-so-sorry...
Everything has kind of blended together since Justin left (I received the nod of approval for use of his real name, oooh!). I've been working with only one real day off each week, as I've started a makeup course that takes place every Monday! It's been great so far, only 2 classes in, but I'm adoring it! In fact, I'm even going to MAC today to stock up, and it feels like Christmas I tells ya!!
Actually, after I've completed this course, I'm certified to apply for the MAC industry card, to get a 40% DISCOUNT!?!! It's one of the most magnificent things that could have happened in my life. MAC is home planet. Can anyone relate?..
Sooo, here's a recap of Justin's visit!
We got to spend a lot of time together this time, as I had booked vacation days so I didn't have to work for 8 hours a day and leave the poor guy by his lonesome until I came home.
This enabled us to visit my Dad and spend the night, have a bbq with my family, sleep in a lotttt, and go to Hot Rod Hootenanny! Although the event was blah, I did manage to take some photos...
That's my friend Chelsea, before the rest of her beer.
And a cute couple dancing. They danced for at least an hour, and it was a scorcher that day!
Some of the most beautiful tail lights I've ever seen.
Justin told me the 2 cars further back go suuuper fast! Haha... I'm learning!
The Royal Crowns, they never fail to put on a fantastic show! They're one of my favourite local bands. Check them out on The Royal Crowns Myspace page!
The one and only Bloodshot Bill. Again, amaaazing show! He's a one man band. You have to see it to believe it! Check out the Bloodshot Bill Myspace page while you're at it!
And here's Justin and I, showing you our tough sides. Would you mess with this?! Did not think so.
And a piece of St. Catharines history. I love this.
So all in all, the show was 'meh', and the heat was extreme. I was very pleased that I decided last minute not to set my hair the night before, whew! Always a disappointment when your hair effort fails due to weather, hmm ladies?
OOH! And one last thing before I wrap things up for today.. we received our 2nd Notice Of Action in the mail last week, my visa is running 6 weeks ahead of schedule!! Yippeeeeeee!!! I can't explain our excitement, it's looking like I could be moving sometime in October! :)
Alrighty dolls, I must be off to my favourite doctors' office- the dentist! Wommp..
You'll hear from me soon, as I have some new thrift store finds to share and some exciting wedding news!
Until then!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Happy hearts and happy bellies
Well geez, I sure have been slackin' since JP arrived! But can you blame me?? I'm so incredibly happy he's here, I can't stand to even think of what Tuesday will be like when he leaves..
We've squeezed in a lot so far; visiting my dad, drinks with friends, fireworks at the lake for Canada Day, and my friends were so sweet and even suggested we pick up some fireworks to celebrate 4th of July for him!
I'm pleased we were not arrested for setting them off in a public park on a Monday night.
We've done a lot of sleeping in, which has been wonderful. Isn't it an amazing feeling to wake up next to the one you love? We try to take advantage of those moments, as we only get a few before our next long stretch apart! :(
Here is a briefing on what we've done most this past week:
These drinks were amaaaazing..
JP is so manly. MAN EAT MEAT!!
We like to eat.
No lie, we both gain weight when we see eachother. I gain the most. I had even lost 5 lbs before he arrived and already they're ALL back on! But from the looks of these pictures, wouldn't you say it was worth it?!..
I can never say no to mexican.
While we were visiting my dad, we were all sitting out on the veranda when a bird pooped on JP's back!
He was quite distraught. Don't worry, I saved the day. However, apparently getting crapped on by birds is good luck?? Hmm.. we bought 2 lottery tickets.
We didn't win.
Well ladies, I must pack up and get ready to go wedding invitation shopping! I hope it's not all cheesy stuff.
Hope you're all having a swell week!
Well geez, I sure have been slackin' since JP arrived! But can you blame me?? I'm so incredibly happy he's here, I can't stand to even think of what Tuesday will be like when he leaves..
We've squeezed in a lot so far; visiting my dad, drinks with friends, fireworks at the lake for Canada Day, and my friends were so sweet and even suggested we pick up some fireworks to celebrate 4th of July for him!
I'm pleased we were not arrested for setting them off in a public park on a Monday night.
We've done a lot of sleeping in, which has been wonderful. Isn't it an amazing feeling to wake up next to the one you love? We try to take advantage of those moments, as we only get a few before our next long stretch apart! :(
Here is a briefing on what we've done most this past week:
These drinks were amaaaazing..
JP is so manly. MAN EAT MEAT!!
We like to eat.
No lie, we both gain weight when we see eachother. I gain the most. I had even lost 5 lbs before he arrived and already they're ALL back on! But from the looks of these pictures, wouldn't you say it was worth it?!..
I can never say no to mexican.
While we were visiting my dad, we were all sitting out on the veranda when a bird pooped on JP's back!
He was quite distraught. Don't worry, I saved the day. However, apparently getting crapped on by birds is good luck?? Hmm.. we bought 2 lottery tickets.
We didn't win.
Well ladies, I must pack up and get ready to go wedding invitation shopping! I hope it's not all cheesy stuff.
Hope you're all having a swell week!
Monday, 27 June 2011
Hearts in my eyes...
Aloha, ladies!!
Just a quickie post (quite possibly the teeniest you've ever seen), as I'm about to set my hair and roll into bed, I need my beauty sleep because JP flies in tomorrow!
Soo, my next post will be in a couple of days as I'll be too busy plantin' smooches on my man!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am :)
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Lucky xo
Just a quickie post (quite possibly the teeniest you've ever seen), as I'm about to set my hair and roll into bed, I need my beauty sleep because JP flies in tomorrow!
Soo, my next post will be in a couple of days as I'll be too busy plantin' smooches on my man!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am :)
I hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Lucky xo
Friday, 24 June 2011
What happens in Vegas...
Aloha ladies!
Ohh, I do apologize for the lack of posting this past week.. I must admit, I've been quite lazy. There is a very sheepish look on this face right now!!
I've decided to use this post to tell you the neato story of how I met my fiance- d'aww!!
It's a rather rare one, and most our friends think it's the cutest dang story ever, and of course, I do kinda agree.. but perhaps I'm biased, hmm? (Heehee!)..
Ahem, so it all began at a little event called...
Ahh yes, the famed VLV! It was my first year attending, as I had only heard about it that February. I decided immediately that I just haaad to go.
If you don't know much about this event, all you have to do is google search (or visit, and you'll get the idea pretty quickly!
So, I found a willing and able friend, and off we went! We arrived on the Wednesday night, giving us time to settle into our room at Excalibur, (down the street from the event which takes place at The Orleans hotel and casino) and get some rest before picking up our weekender wristbands the next day.
Thursday rolls around, with wristbands on we purchased our first plastic boot and began enjoying Las Vegas :)
Oh gosh.. I look kinda tipsy in this one. Please enjoy at my expense!
So me being the non-gambling type of gal (which means I have no idea how to play a darn thing except coin slots), I stood on the arm of my dear friend as she played at a blackjack table.
Having not been there too long, a fine mannered gentleman approached me and offered to buy me a drink!
Well heavens, of course I said yes! But I'd prefer to think it's because I was playing my hand in fate, and not because I was nearly done my boot..
This gent introduced himself, and then the several friends he was with.
And one of them was named JP.
Well gals, let me tell YOU- you know that sense of immediate attraction you get, even before they prove themselves to speak with proper grammar? Yes, yes I know you understand all too well, now don't you all?
As I sit here and try to think of words to explain the feeling he gave me when we met, I literally let out a giant, cheesy sigh! Let's call it romantic. Hmm yes, much better.
We connected instantly. So much so that within the small amount of time we all stood around chatting, we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again later that day.
Before we parted, my girlfriend managed to get this first shot of JP and I together ever.
I manage to class it up with my 2 foot tall TGIFriday's cocktail glass:
This photo makes me giggle! I think mostly because I look frisky, wouldn't you say?
Anyhow, flash forward a couple of months. By July, I had made my first trip down to see him, he had come up to Canada, and we were happily in a long distance relationship.
Ooh- timeout!! For those who haven't read my post about JP and I from earlier, I live in Toronto, Canada, and he in New Jersey, USA. Okay.. commence the romance!
In mid July, JP had come up to visit me, and we had made plans to spend a couple of days downtown Toronto. We had a spiffy room at a nice hotel, and took a wander where a photographer approached us as we came out of a shop, and took our photo:
Now, this photo is importance, as it's the last photo taken of us before he proposed to me!
See?! "D'awww!"
He pulled out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen, and asked me to be his wife.
I was surprised, shocked, overwhelmed, speechless. And now, the happiest I've ever been.
Do I hear a "but that's so soon, you love fools!"?? Yep, fast, you betcha. But ya can't slow down love, no way Jose!
So, since July 17th, 2010, we've been in a long distance engagement. We talk, text, and skype constantly, and have visited each other many times. And I fall more and more in love with him each and every day.
I won't get into all of the visa application details- it sure is a headache, lemme tell ya! It's looking to be about October that I may be able to relocate and become a 'permanent resident'.
But I'd wait 10 years if it meant I'd get to be with my baby in the end.
Ahh... the glorious feeling of being engaged to the man of your dreams never fades!
Well my friends, that's our story in a teeny tiny nutshell! Did I keep the sap minimal? Ahh, what the heck, it's my gosh darned love story, I hope it made your teeth hurt!
I urge you, if you've never blogged about how you came to be with your one and only, spill your mushy guts, I'd love to hear your love stories!
Well, I must be on my merry way, JP is about to call me!
I'll fill you ladies in on the wedding plans soon!
Have a lovely weekend!
Lucky xo
P.S. I haven't seen him in 9 weeks, and he arrives on Tuesday, I can't wait!!
Ohh, I do apologize for the lack of posting this past week.. I must admit, I've been quite lazy. There is a very sheepish look on this face right now!!
I've decided to use this post to tell you the neato story of how I met my fiance- d'aww!!
It's a rather rare one, and most our friends think it's the cutest dang story ever, and of course, I do kinda agree.. but perhaps I'm biased, hmm? (Heehee!)..
Ahem, so it all began at a little event called...
Ahh yes, the famed VLV! It was my first year attending, as I had only heard about it that February. I decided immediately that I just haaad to go.
If you don't know much about this event, all you have to do is google search (or visit, and you'll get the idea pretty quickly!
So, I found a willing and able friend, and off we went! We arrived on the Wednesday night, giving us time to settle into our room at Excalibur, (down the street from the event which takes place at The Orleans hotel and casino) and get some rest before picking up our weekender wristbands the next day.
Thursday rolls around, with wristbands on we purchased our first plastic boot and began enjoying Las Vegas :)
Oh gosh.. I look kinda tipsy in this one. Please enjoy at my expense!
So me being the non-gambling type of gal (which means I have no idea how to play a darn thing except coin slots), I stood on the arm of my dear friend as she played at a blackjack table.
Having not been there too long, a fine mannered gentleman approached me and offered to buy me a drink!
Well heavens, of course I said yes! But I'd prefer to think it's because I was playing my hand in fate, and not because I was nearly done my boot..
This gent introduced himself, and then the several friends he was with.
And one of them was named JP.
Well gals, let me tell YOU- you know that sense of immediate attraction you get, even before they prove themselves to speak with proper grammar? Yes, yes I know you understand all too well, now don't you all?
As I sit here and try to think of words to explain the feeling he gave me when we met, I literally let out a giant, cheesy sigh! Let's call it romantic. Hmm yes, much better.
We connected instantly. So much so that within the small amount of time we all stood around chatting, we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again later that day.
Before we parted, my girlfriend managed to get this first shot of JP and I together ever.
I manage to class it up with my 2 foot tall TGIFriday's cocktail glass:
This photo makes me giggle! I think mostly because I look frisky, wouldn't you say?
Anyhow, flash forward a couple of months. By July, I had made my first trip down to see him, he had come up to Canada, and we were happily in a long distance relationship.
Ooh- timeout!! For those who haven't read my post about JP and I from earlier, I live in Toronto, Canada, and he in New Jersey, USA. Okay.. commence the romance!
In mid July, JP had come up to visit me, and we had made plans to spend a couple of days downtown Toronto. We had a spiffy room at a nice hotel, and took a wander where a photographer approached us as we came out of a shop, and took our photo:
Now, this photo is importance, as it's the last photo taken of us before he proposed to me!
See?! "D'awww!"
He pulled out the most beautiful ring I have ever seen, and asked me to be his wife.
I was surprised, shocked, overwhelmed, speechless. And now, the happiest I've ever been.
Do I hear a "but that's so soon, you love fools!"?? Yep, fast, you betcha. But ya can't slow down love, no way Jose!
So, since July 17th, 2010, we've been in a long distance engagement. We talk, text, and skype constantly, and have visited each other many times. And I fall more and more in love with him each and every day.
I won't get into all of the visa application details- it sure is a headache, lemme tell ya! It's looking to be about October that I may be able to relocate and become a 'permanent resident'.
But I'd wait 10 years if it meant I'd get to be with my baby in the end.
Ahh... the glorious feeling of being engaged to the man of your dreams never fades!
Well my friends, that's our story in a teeny tiny nutshell! Did I keep the sap minimal? Ahh, what the heck, it's my gosh darned love story, I hope it made your teeth hurt!
I urge you, if you've never blogged about how you came to be with your one and only, spill your mushy guts, I'd love to hear your love stories!
Well, I must be on my merry way, JP is about to call me!
I'll fill you ladies in on the wedding plans soon!
Have a lovely weekend!
Lucky xo
P.S. I haven't seen him in 9 weeks, and he arrives on Tuesday, I can't wait!!
Sunday, 19 June 2011
What a week!
Hiya guys!
Ughh.. this week was soo looooong!!
Not only am I just getting over a terrible cold, work was just insane. I'm off tomorrow, and I can assure you I'll be sleeping until noon.
One thing I can't complain about is the lovely weather we've been having here.. SUMMER! It's here in full swing now, and I'm going to do my best to take advantage of it while it's here.
Ahh... vintage swimwear! I've been browsing for a few months now on eBay and etsy for the perfect suit. It can be very tough, especially finding a suit that's both your size and within your price range.
I'm constantly tortured by stunning Shaheen playsuits in the most wonderful tiki prints and hawaiian fabrics.. but heck no, I am most certainly NOT paying $100+ for it!!
Even though they're soooo gorgeous...
I do have a few repro suits, and a flattering Esther Williams suit. But all of us ladies can admit that we're after one stunner of a suit!! One that stands out from the others, with some type of one-of-a-kind feature that makes the suit very 'you'.
I actually did buy one on eBay about a month ago, but the sizing was way off, so it's on it's way back to England for a refund :(
I have doubts I'll find one this season, but you just never know with my online, ahem, browsing habits.. (JP has wondered if I'll be able to afford his wedding band.. ha!!)
Do any of you lovelies have a favourite suit, or a great brand or site to shop for vintage swimwear?
My apologies, this was a pretty short posting today.. but I'm just zonked from my whirlwind week.
I must be heading off, but I promise I'll be much for interesting for you all tomorrow! I hope..!!
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!
Lucky xo
Ughh.. this week was soo looooong!!
Not only am I just getting over a terrible cold, work was just insane. I'm off tomorrow, and I can assure you I'll be sleeping until noon.
One thing I can't complain about is the lovely weather we've been having here.. SUMMER! It's here in full swing now, and I'm going to do my best to take advantage of it while it's here.
Ahh... vintage swimwear! I've been browsing for a few months now on eBay and etsy for the perfect suit. It can be very tough, especially finding a suit that's both your size and within your price range.
I'm constantly tortured by stunning Shaheen playsuits in the most wonderful tiki prints and hawaiian fabrics.. but heck no, I am most certainly NOT paying $100+ for it!!
Even though they're soooo gorgeous...
I do have a few repro suits, and a flattering Esther Williams suit. But all of us ladies can admit that we're after one stunner of a suit!! One that stands out from the others, with some type of one-of-a-kind feature that makes the suit very 'you'.
I actually did buy one on eBay about a month ago, but the sizing was way off, so it's on it's way back to England for a refund :(
I have doubts I'll find one this season, but you just never know with my online, ahem, browsing habits.. (JP has wondered if I'll be able to afford his wedding band.. ha!!)
Do any of you lovelies have a favourite suit, or a great brand or site to shop for vintage swimwear?
My apologies, this was a pretty short posting today.. but I'm just zonked from my whirlwind week.
I must be heading off, but I promise I'll be much for interesting for you all tomorrow! I hope..!!
I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!!
Lucky xo
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Aww, shucks!!
Well gee whiz, what a wonderful thing to see when I logged on this morning- I've been given my very first blog award!!
It was given to me by the very lovely Kitty at Kitty's Vintage & Kitsch, go check her out now if you haven't already! Her blog is full of lots of vintage goodies!
So, a huge THANK YOU to her for making my day, it was too sweet of you :)
Also, another thank you and a big "howdy!" to my new subscribers! I'll be stopping by all of you soon!
Now it's up to me to pass the Liebster on to someone else, and that would be the blog of Doo Wop Dolly! She's just so darling, and her blogs are full of photos of her outfits and outings.So, here ya go, lady, you deserve it!
Now after all of the excitement, I must admit that I'm feeling quite under the weather today. I called in sick to work, and dread the wait at the doctors' office this afternoon, ughh!
Switching back to a higher note (am I throwing you all off balance?!), my fiance got us an authentic diner table for the apartment, woohooo!!!
This photo was the one JP sent me when it was still in the display window. I just adore it. So now comes the trouble of finding chairs to match! I've toyed with the idea the past few days of reupholstering a pair of these:
I just don't know, do they seem a bit too mod to you?? I can't make up my mind.
Oh, and as mentioned in my previous blog, I went to a glorious little town called Orono, about 45 minutes east of the town I live in. My mother had gone with a friend the weekend prior and said we had to go, so we did!
The main street downtown (which I believe is called Main St -heehee!- as with most small towns) had about 30 or 40 shops along it, with half of them being antique stores, and two large markets!
I wish I had taken a camera with me, some of the buildings were so lovely.
Our first stop was a small one that sells antique trinkets and used clothing. I spotted this decanter and shot glass bar set for only $10!
In the same shop, I also bought this lovely candy dish??.. or is it vanity glasswear?.. If someone thinks they know, tell me! either way, it's being used for bobby pins at the moment:
Now, the smaller glasswear, I saw in the shop and loved it, it's so darling! But with it being our first stop, I held back to take a mosey around the other stores first. By the end of the visit, we were walking back to the car when the woman from that shop came running out saying she wanted to give me something. And that was it!! Can you believe that, how kind can someone be to give you something that they were selling in their shop?!
I tried to refuse but she insisted, stating that it would be my first wedding gift! (*we got to small talking, when my ring came up in conversation)
There truly are some kind people out there, whether they be giving you blog recognition, or giving you something from their own store.
When things like this happen, I like the idea of giving back. It's good karma all around :)
Until tomorrow, guys!
Lucky xo
It was given to me by the very lovely Kitty at Kitty's Vintage & Kitsch, go check her out now if you haven't already! Her blog is full of lots of vintage goodies!
So, a huge THANK YOU to her for making my day, it was too sweet of you :)
Also, another thank you and a big "howdy!" to my new subscribers! I'll be stopping by all of you soon!
Now it's up to me to pass the Liebster on to someone else, and that would be the blog of Doo Wop Dolly! She's just so darling, and her blogs are full of photos of her outfits and outings.So, here ya go, lady, you deserve it!
Now after all of the excitement, I must admit that I'm feeling quite under the weather today. I called in sick to work, and dread the wait at the doctors' office this afternoon, ughh!
Switching back to a higher note (am I throwing you all off balance?!), my fiance got us an authentic diner table for the apartment, woohooo!!!
This photo was the one JP sent me when it was still in the display window. I just adore it. So now comes the trouble of finding chairs to match! I've toyed with the idea the past few days of reupholstering a pair of these:
I just don't know, do they seem a bit too mod to you?? I can't make up my mind.
Oh, and as mentioned in my previous blog, I went to a glorious little town called Orono, about 45 minutes east of the town I live in. My mother had gone with a friend the weekend prior and said we had to go, so we did!
The main street downtown (which I believe is called Main St -heehee!- as with most small towns) had about 30 or 40 shops along it, with half of them being antique stores, and two large markets!
I wish I had taken a camera with me, some of the buildings were so lovely.
Our first stop was a small one that sells antique trinkets and used clothing. I spotted this decanter and shot glass bar set for only $10!
In the same shop, I also bought this lovely candy dish??.. or is it vanity glasswear?.. If someone thinks they know, tell me! either way, it's being used for bobby pins at the moment:
Now, the smaller glasswear, I saw in the shop and loved it, it's so darling! But with it being our first stop, I held back to take a mosey around the other stores first. By the end of the visit, we were walking back to the car when the woman from that shop came running out saying she wanted to give me something. And that was it!! Can you believe that, how kind can someone be to give you something that they were selling in their shop?!
I tried to refuse but she insisted, stating that it would be my first wedding gift! (*we got to small talking, when my ring came up in conversation)
There truly are some kind people out there, whether they be giving you blog recognition, or giving you something from their own store.
When things like this happen, I like the idea of giving back. It's good karma all around :)
Until tomorrow, guys!
Lucky xo
Monday, 13 June 2011
Thrift store finds!
Aloha, time for my second post!
I hope I haven't already bored everyone to death, anyhow! Well.. actually, 'everyone' consists of the 2 followers I have so far. So, howdy! And of course, thank you :)
This past Saturday, my sister and I headed to Bowmanville to visit a St. Vincent De Paul thrift store. The previous weekend, my mother and I had crossed by it on our way back from Orono (ooh, another thrifting blog on that to come!), and a few things caught my eye whilst staring in the window.
So, somehow I managed to drag my poor sis along, God love her (she's not the thrifting type by any means).
It was a fairly short lived visit, but during our 20 minute shop I managed to find a couple of little things. And also encountered some unsavory folk.. who I always seem to attract.. hmm..
So Saturday happened to be the 50% off shoes and accessories day! Hurray!!
First off, I came across these here..
This adorable pair of green and white flower inspired clip earrings, and this mocha marbled lucite bangle to accompany the stack I found last weekend.
These two pairs of unworn Hanes seamless (boo!) stockings in their original boxes, so cute!! Can you believe last weekend I saw a stocking box from the 1930's selling for 40!?!! Ouch.. no stockings included, either!
And last but not least...
This darling little pair of La Vallee stacked heel sandals in amaaazing condition. I could almost swear they've never been worn. The elastic at the strap is like new.. damn the tiny feet of mid-century women! I'd bind my feet to squeeze into some of those shoes.
So for all of this, my grand total came to $12.50!! Not too shabby, not too shabby at all!
The only things that ruined this little excursion were the creeps yelling with poor grammar at the sales associate to open the jewelry case because it was "stuck|" (ahem, locked), and the rude assistant manager who insisted she couldn't disclose the next weeks sale items because they "cannot and will not tell anyone", when I didn't even ask! Sheesh lady, it's Saturday, have a mojito and calm down..
That was pretty much the highlight of my weekend, aside from having some fun/whiskey infused girl time that evening.
Happy Monday, guys!!
Lucky xo
I hope I haven't already bored everyone to death, anyhow! Well.. actually, 'everyone' consists of the 2 followers I have so far. So, howdy! And of course, thank you :)
This past Saturday, my sister and I headed to Bowmanville to visit a St. Vincent De Paul thrift store. The previous weekend, my mother and I had crossed by it on our way back from Orono (ooh, another thrifting blog on that to come!), and a few things caught my eye whilst staring in the window.
So, somehow I managed to drag my poor sis along, God love her (she's not the thrifting type by any means).
It was a fairly short lived visit, but during our 20 minute shop I managed to find a couple of little things. And also encountered some unsavory folk.. who I always seem to attract.. hmm..
So Saturday happened to be the 50% off shoes and accessories day! Hurray!!
First off, I came across these here..
This adorable pair of green and white flower inspired clip earrings, and this mocha marbled lucite bangle to accompany the stack I found last weekend.
These two pairs of unworn Hanes seamless (boo!) stockings in their original boxes, so cute!! Can you believe last weekend I saw a stocking box from the 1930's selling for 40!?!! Ouch.. no stockings included, either!
And last but not least...
This darling little pair of La Vallee stacked heel sandals in amaaazing condition. I could almost swear they've never been worn. The elastic at the strap is like new.. damn the tiny feet of mid-century women! I'd bind my feet to squeeze into some of those shoes.
So for all of this, my grand total came to $12.50!! Not too shabby, not too shabby at all!
The only things that ruined this little excursion were the creeps yelling with poor grammar at the sales associate to open the jewelry case because it was "stuck|" (ahem, locked), and the rude assistant manager who insisted she couldn't disclose the next weeks sale items because they "cannot and will not tell anyone", when I didn't even ask! Sheesh lady, it's Saturday, have a mojito and calm down..
That was pretty much the highlight of my weekend, aside from having some fun/whiskey infused girl time that evening.
Happy Monday, guys!!
Lucky xo
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